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Prenuptial survey: Find out everything just in time, because trust doesn't mean you can't be in control when it comes to the most important decision of your life. 

And yet... Many people take more precautions before buying a house than they do when formally committing to a life together.


But check what and why? 

To check that the person who is going to share your life and your assets is really the person he or she claims to be.


It's all about finding inconsistencies, disturbing facts, concrete information on past behavior and actions, career and finances.

The content of the report:

The investigation report is a structured document, accompanied by solid documentation.  Cyber-investigation by Artificial Intelligence captures and analyzes all the information indexed on the web, all public databases and social networks. 


Only documentation relating to worrying facts is transmitted to you. 

The final analysis is carried out by an experienced investigator.

Some concrete cases:

Julien is open-minded, a beautiful personality, but ... in April 2018 he glorified the feminicide attack in Toronto by commenting on a photo on Facebook. 


Alexandre is a successful entrepreneur and it shows in his lifestyle, but his online digital reputation is disastrous and his actual assets more complicated than expected.


Victor comes from Belgium, and he's the nicest man in the world, but... Belgium is a long way away! What was he really doing there? 


The cool thing about Stéphanie is that she runs a growing start-up, and she's got lots of projects in her head that she'll get you involved in, but do you know how her 3 previous projects ended up? 


Steve has a criminal past, some youthful mistakes, he told you and that's fine, you'll be happy to know that since then, his life path has indeed been irreproachable (we also like to bring good news).

Work ethic:

We document, verify, investigate and validate, without bias. It's a factual investigation that tracks down inconsistencies and reports them to you, with supporting evidence. If everything is consistent, we'll be happy too.


We respect your privacy, and that of the person you are targeting. Cyber investigations are based on open sources (OSINT).


We don't accept frivolous investigations or curiosity-driven inquiries. We'll help you plan a serious, reasonable life together. 

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